17:41:54,125 INFO anaconda.stdout: Please ssh install@devel8.s390.bos.redhat.com ( to begin the install. 17:41:55,757 INFO anaconda: /sbin/anaconda 19.31.91-1 17:41:56,019 INFO anaconda: 2097152 kB (2048 MB) are available 17:41:56,020 INFO anaconda: check_memory(): total:2048, needed:512, graphical:512 17:41:56,023 INFO anaconda: anaconda called with cmdline = ['/sbin/anaconda'] 17:41:56,024 INFO anaconda: Default encoding = utf-8 17:41:56,070 INFO anaconda: Parsing kickstart: /usr/share/anaconda/interactive-defaults.ks 17:41:56,095 INFO anaconda: 2097152 kB (2048 MB) are available 17:41:56,814 WARN anaconda.stdout: DISPLAY variable not set. Starting text mode. 17:41:58,818 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaInputThread0 (4397808630032) 17:42:35,642 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaInputThread0 (4397808630032) 17:42:36,089 INFO anaconda: Display mode = g 17:42:36,091 INFO anaconda: 2097152 kB (2048 MB) are available 17:42:36,091 INFO anaconda: check_memory(): total:2048, needed:512, graphical:512 17:42:36,091 INFO anaconda.stdout: Starting VNC... 17:42:37,165 INFO anaconda.stdout: The VNC server is now running. 17:42:37,166 WARN anaconda.stdout: WARNING!!! VNC server running with NO PASSWORD! You can use the vncpassword= boot option if you would like to secure the server. 17:42:37,166 INFO anaconda.stdout: Please manually connect your vnc client to devel8.s390.bos.redhat.com:1 ( to begin the install. 17:42:37,168 INFO anaconda: Starting window manager, pid 2398. 17:42:37,189 INFO anaconda: using only installclass Red Hat Enterprise Linux 17:42:37,874 INFO anaconda: boot loader ZIPL on S390 platform 17:42:37,897 INFO anaconda: boot loader ZIPL on S390 platform 17:42:37,917 DEBUG anaconda: network: devices found ['enccw0.0.0600'] 17:42:37,988 DEBUG anaconda: updating hostname devel8.s390.bos.redhat.com 17:42:38,002 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaStorageThread (4397808630032) 17:42:38,003 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaTimeInitThread (4397784938768) 17:42:38,004 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaWaitForConnectingNMThread (4397776550160) 17:42:38,009 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaPayloadRestartThread (4397768161552) 17:42:38,011 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaTimeInitThread (4397784938768) 17:42:38,012 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaPayloadThread (4397759772944) 17:42:38,012 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaPayloadRestartThread (4397768161552) 17:42:38,029 INFO anaconda: got 0 NTP servers from DHCP 17:42:38,029 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaWaitForConnectingNMThread (4397776550160) 17:42:38,032 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaGeolocationRefreshThread (4397776550160) 17:42:38,032 INFO anaconda: Starting geolocation lookup 17:42:38,032 INFO anaconda: Geolocation provider: Fedora GeoIP 17:42:38,630 INFO anaconda: Geolocation lookup finished in 0.6 seconds 17:42:38,630 INFO anaconda: territory: US time zone: America/New_York (from GeoIP) 17:42:38,632 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaGeolocationRefreshThread (4397776550160) 17:42:40,926 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaStorageThread (4397808630032) 17:42:45,024 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaPayloadThread (4397759772944) 17:43:19,178 DEBUG anaconda: network standalone spoke (init): completed: ['enccw0.0.0600'] 17:43:19,275 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaNTPserver0 (4397759772944) 17:43:19,279 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaNTPserver1 (4397808630032) 17:43:19,282 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaNTPserver2 (4397776550160) 17:43:19,285 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaNTPserver3 (4397768161552) 17:43:19,287 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaDateTimeThread (4397784938768) 17:43:19,290 INFO anaconda: fs space: 0 B needed: 2861.02 MiB 17:43:19,335 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaDateTimeThread (4397784938768) 17:43:19,388 INFO anaconda: fs space: 0 B needed: 2861.02 MiB 17:43:19,439 INFO anaconda: fs space: 0 B needed: 2861.02 MiB 17:43:19,467 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaSourceWatcher (4397784938768) 17:43:19,486 DEBUG anaconda: Setting up repos: [] 17:43:19,486 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaSourceWatcher (4397784938768) 17:43:20,477 INFO anaconda: fs space: 0 B needed: 2861.02 MiB 17:43:20,500 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaSoftwareWatcher (4397784938768) 17:43:20,515 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaStorageWatcher (4397726013712) 17:43:20,517 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaStorageWatcher (4397726013712) 17:43:20,531 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaCustomStorageInit (4397726013712) 17:43:20,571 INFO anaconda: 2097152 kB (2048 MB) are available 17:43:20,634 DEBUG anaconda: network: GUI, device configuration added: connection acd6380b-7918-4db1-b85c-08edef690090 device enccw0.0.0600 17:43:20,641 DEBUG anaconda: network: GUI, connection acd6380b-7918-4db1-b85c-08edef690090 found 17:43:20,717 DEBUG anaconda: updating hostname devel8.s390.bos.redhat.com 17:43:21,016 INFO anaconda: spoke is ready: 17:43:21,019 INFO anaconda: spoke is not ready: 17:43:21,021 INFO anaconda: spoke is not ready: 17:43:21,021 INFO anaconda: setting status to: Setting up installation source... 17:43:21,023 INFO anaconda: spoke is ready: 17:43:21,023 INFO anaconda: setting status to: Probing storage... 17:43:21,023 INFO anaconda: setting status to: Downloading package metadata... 17:43:21,025 INFO anaconda: spoke is ready: 17:43:21,027 INFO anaconda: spoke is ready: 17:43:21,027 INFO anaconda: setting status to: Downloading package metadata... 17:43:21,027 INFO anaconda: setting status to: Downloading group metadata... 17:43:21,028 INFO anaconda: setting status to: Probing storage... 17:43:21,030 INFO anaconda: spoke is ready: 17:43:21,555 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaCheckSoftwareThread (4397717625104) 17:43:21,555 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaSoftwareWatcher (4397784938768) 17:43:21,564 INFO anaconda: spoke is ready: 17:43:21,567 INFO anaconda: spoke is not ready: 17:43:21,569 INFO anaconda: spoke is not ready: 17:43:21,569 INFO anaconda: setting status to: Checking software dependencies... 17:43:21,797 INFO anaconda: setting status to: Wired (enccw0.0.0600) connected 17:43:21,841 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaCustomStorageInit (4397726013712) 17:43:23,126 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaCheckSoftwareThread (4397717625104) 17:43:23,221 INFO anaconda: spoke is ready: 17:43:23,226 INFO anaconda: spoke is ready: 17:43:27,994 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaNTPserver1 (4397808630032) 17:43:27,994 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaNTPserver3 (4397768161552) 17:43:27,995 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaNTPserver0 (4397759772944) 17:43:27,995 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaNTPserver2 (4397776550160) 17:44:04,407 DEBUG anaconda: disk free: 25.22 GiB fs free: 0 B sw needs: 875.53 MiB auto swap: 0 B 17:44:04,433 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaExecuteStorageThread (4397776550160) 17:44:05,667 DEBUG anaconda: new disk order: [] 17:44:05,682 DEBUG anaconda: new disk order: [] 17:44:05,751 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True 17:44:05,751 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True 17:44:05,751 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True 17:44:05,751 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True 17:44:05,751 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True 17:44:05,752 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaExecuteStorageThread (4397776550160) 17:44:05,881 DEBUG anaconda: ui: devices=['/LiveOS/rootfs.img', '/overlay (deleted)', '/tmp/curl_fetch_url1/install.img (deleted)', 'dasda', 'dasdb', 'dasdc', 'dasdd', 'dasde', 'dasdf', 'dasdg', 'dasdh', 'dasdi', 'dasdj', 'dasdk', 'live-base', 'live-rw', 'loop0', 'loop1', 'loop2', 'sda', 'sda1', 'sdb', 'sdb1'] 17:44:05,956 DEBUG anaconda: ui: unused=['rhel_deveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel8'] 17:44:05,956 DEBUG anaconda: ui: new_devices=[] 17:44:06,117 DEBUG anaconda: page clicked: New Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 Installation 17:44:06,117 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: New Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 Installation 17:44:06,117 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: New Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 Installation 17:44:07,133 INFO anaconda: spoke is not ready: 17:44:07,133 INFO anaconda: setting status to: Saving storage configuration... 17:44:07,136 INFO anaconda: spoke is ready: 17:46:00,939 DEBUG anaconda: page clicked: Unknown 17:46:00,940 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: Unknown 17:46:03,104 DEBUG anaconda: removing device 'existing 15.99 GiB lvmvg rhel_deveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel8 (55)' from page Unknown 17:46:07,533 INFO anaconda: ui: removed device rhel_deveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel8 17:46:07,581 DEBUG anaconda: ui: devices=['/LiveOS/rootfs.img', '/overlay (deleted)', '/tmp/curl_fetch_url1/install.img (deleted)', 'dasda', 'dasdb', 'dasdc', 'dasdd', 'dasde', 'dasdf', 'dasdg', 'dasdh', 'dasdi', 'dasdj', 'dasdk', 'live-base', 'live-rw', 'loop0', 'loop1', 'loop2', 'sda', 'sdb'] 17:46:07,584 DEBUG anaconda: ui: unused=[] 17:46:07,584 DEBUG anaconda: ui: new_devices=[] 17:46:07,590 DEBUG anaconda: page clicked: New Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 Installation 17:46:07,590 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: New Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 Installation 17:46:07,590 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: New Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 Installation 17:46:10,113 DEBUG anaconda: running automatic partitioning 17:46:10,607 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True 17:46:10,607 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True 17:46:10,607 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True 17:46:10,607 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True 17:46:10,607 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True 17:46:27,242 DEBUG anaconda: new disk order: [] 17:46:27,311 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type lvmvg 17:46:27,311 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type lvmlv 17:46:27,312 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type lvmlv 17:46:27,313 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type lvmlv 17:46:27,314 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True 17:46:27,314 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True 17:46:27,314 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True 17:46:27,314 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True 17:46:27,315 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True 17:46:27,315 DEBUG anaconda: finished automatic partitioning 17:46:27,318 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True 17:46:27,318 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True 17:46:27,318 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True 17:46:27,318 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True 17:46:27,318 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True 17:46:27,319 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(rhel_devel8-boot) returning True 17:46:27,319 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(rhel_devel8-boot) returning True 17:46:27,319 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(rhel_devel8-boot) returning True 17:46:27,319 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_partition(rhel_devel8-boot) returning True 17:46:27,319 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(rhel_devel8-boot) returning True 17:46:27,320 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage2_device(rhel_devel8-boot) returning True 17:46:27,321 DEBUG anaconda: ZIPL.is_valid_stage2_device(rhel_devel8-boot) returning True 17:46:27,322 DEBUG anaconda: refreshing ui 17:46:27,325 DEBUG anaconda: ui: devices=['/LiveOS/rootfs.img', '/overlay (deleted)', '/tmp/curl_fetch_url1/install.img (deleted)', 'dasda', 'dasda1', 'dasdb', 'dasdb1', 'dasdc', 'dasdc1', 'dasdd', 'dasdd1', 'dasde', 'dasde1', 'dasdf', 'dasdf1', 'dasdg', 'dasdg1', 'dasdh', 'dasdh1', 'dasdi', 'dasdi1', 'dasdj', 'dasdj1', 'dasdk', 'dasdk1', 'live-base', 'live-rw', 'loop0', 'loop1', 'loop2', 'rhel_devel8', 'rhel_devel8-boot', 'rhel_devel8-root', 'rhel_devel8-swap', 'sda', 'sda1', 'sdb', 'sdb1'] 17:46:27,791 DEBUG anaconda: ui: unused=[] 17:46:27,792 DEBUG anaconda: ui: new_devices=['rhel_devel8-swap', 'rhel_devel8-boot', 'rhel_devel8-root'] 17:46:28,277 DEBUG anaconda: page clicked: New Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 Installation 17:46:28,277 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: New Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 Installation 17:46:28,281 DEBUG anaconda: populate_right_side: non-existent 500 MiB lvmlv rhel_devel8-boot (448) with non-existent xfs filesystem mounted at /boot 17:46:28,292 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_disks to ['dasda', 'dasdb', 'dasdc', 'dasdd', 'dasde', 'dasdf', 'dasdg', 'dasdh', 'dasdi', 'dasdj', 'dasdk', 'sda', 'sdb'] 17:46:28,292 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_name to rhel_devel8 17:46:28,292 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_raid_level to None 17:46:28,292 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_encrypted to False 17:46:28,293 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_size to 0 17:46:28,297 INFO anaconda: getting device type for None 17:46:28,297 ERR anaconda: unknown device type: 'None' 17:46:28,298 DEBUG anaconda: fs type changed: xfs 17:46:28,304 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:46:28,304 DEBUG anaconda: device_type_changed: 0 LVM 17:46:28,305 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:46:28,305 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:46:28,306 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:46:28,306 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:46:28,307 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:46:28,307 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:46:28,307 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:46:28,308 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:46:28,308 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:46:28,309 DEBUG anaconda: populate_raid: 0, None 17:46:28,309 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:46:28,309 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:46:28,310 DEBUG anaconda: populate_raid: 0, None 17:46:28,310 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:46:28,858 DEBUG anaconda: new container selection: rhel_devel8 17:46:28,858 DEBUG anaconda: default container is rhel_devel8 17:46:28,860 DEBUG anaconda: populate_right_side: non-existent 500 MiB lvmlv rhel_devel8-boot (448) with non-existent xfs filesystem mounted at /boot 17:46:28,870 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_disks to ['dasda', 'dasdb', 'dasdc', 'dasdd', 'dasde', 'dasdf', 'dasdg', 'dasdh', 'dasdi', 'dasdj', 'dasdk', 'sda', 'sdb'] 17:46:28,870 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_name to rhel_devel8 17:46:28,870 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_raid_level to None 17:46:28,870 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_encrypted to False 17:46:28,870 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_size to 0 17:46:28,878 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:46:28,878 DEBUG anaconda: populate_raid: 0, None 17:46:28,878 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:46:29,427 DEBUG anaconda: new container selection: rhel_devel8 17:46:29,427 DEBUG anaconda: default container is rhel_devel8 17:46:29,429 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: New Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 Installation 17:46:29,429 DEBUG anaconda: finished refreshing ui 17:46:29,429 DEBUG anaconda: updating space display 17:46:35,467 DEBUG anaconda: finished updating space display 17:55:20,236 INFO anaconda: ui: saving changes to device rhel_devel8-boot 17:55:20,237 DEBUG anaconda: old name: boot 17:55:20,237 DEBUG anaconda: new name: boottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt 17:55:20,237 DEBUG anaconda: old size: 500 MiB 17:55:20,247 DEBUG anaconda: new size: 500 MiB 17:55:20,256 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:55:20,257 DEBUG anaconda: old device type: 0 17:55:20,257 DEBUG anaconda: new device type: 0 17:55:20,257 DEBUG anaconda: reformat: True 17:55:20,259 DEBUG anaconda: old fs type: xfs 17:55:20,259 DEBUG anaconda: new fs type: xfs 17:55:20,259 DEBUG anaconda: old encryption setting: False 17:55:20,259 DEBUG anaconda: new encryption setting: False 17:55:20,259 DEBUG anaconda: old label: 17:55:20,259 DEBUG anaconda: new_label: 17:55:20,259 DEBUG anaconda: old mountpoint: /boot 17:55:20,260 DEBUG anaconda: new mountpoint: /boot 17:55:20,261 DEBUG anaconda: old raid level: None 17:55:20,261 DEBUG anaconda: new raid level: None 17:55:21,339 DEBUG anaconda: old container: rhel_devel8 17:55:21,339 DEBUG anaconda: new container: rhel_devel8 17:55:21,339 DEBUG anaconda: old container encrypted: False 17:55:21,339 DEBUG anaconda: new container encrypted: False 17:55:21,339 DEBUG anaconda: old container raid level: None 17:55:21,340 DEBUG anaconda: new container raid level: None 17:55:21,340 DEBUG anaconda: old container size request: 0 17:55:21,340 DEBUG anaconda: new container size request: 0 17:55:21,340 DEBUG anaconda: old disks: ['dasda', 'dasdb', 'dasdc', 'dasdd', 'dasde', 'dasdf', 'dasdg', 'dasdh', 'dasdi', 'dasdj', 'dasdk', 'sda', 'sdb'] 17:55:21,340 DEBUG anaconda: new disks: ['dasda', 'dasdb', 'dasdc', 'dasdd', 'dasde', 'dasdf', 'dasdg', 'dasdh', 'dasdi', 'dasdj', 'dasdk', 'sda', 'sdb'] 17:55:42,801 ERR anaconda: factoryDevice failed: boottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt is not a valid name for this device 17:55:48,857 DEBUG anaconda: populate_right_side: non-existent 500 MiB lvmlv rhel_devel8-boot (448) with non-existent xfs filesystem mounted at /boot 17:55:48,868 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_disks to ['dasda', 'dasdb', 'dasdc', 'dasdd', 'dasde', 'dasdf', 'dasdg', 'dasdh', 'dasdi', 'dasdj', 'dasdk', 'sda', 'sdb'] 17:55:48,868 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_name to rhel_devel8 17:55:48,868 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_raid_level to None 17:55:48,868 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_encrypted to False 17:55:48,868 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_size to 0 17:55:48,876 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:55:48,876 DEBUG anaconda: populate_raid: 0, None 17:55:48,876 INFO anaconda: getting device type for LVM 17:55:49,430 DEBUG anaconda: new container selection: rhel_devel8 17:55:49,430 DEBUG anaconda: default container is rhel_devel8 17:55:49,430 DEBUG anaconda: leaving save_right_side